Monday, November 14, 2011

First Footprint

Well, footprint #1.  A whole new adventure.  My dear friend told me a while back that I should blog about my adventures in cloth diapering.  Well, seeing as that only lasted a minute (BEFORE Huddy was born), my blog would've been dead before it was born.  You see, I have good intentions, but then the reality of My 3 Sons, Nursing school, and my crazy, messy life sinks in and well ~ nothing ever gets done!  LOL!

But, I am going to start blogging, maybe daily, maybe weekly, maybe monthly, who knows.  I just want to have some kind of record of what goes on around here and all my crazy, well intended shinanigens.  (Did I spell that right? ~ Oh well...)

So, as Dori in Nemo said....I'm just gonna "keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming....."